Video Advantage #2

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Emotion is our second most important advantage, and by combining your marketing messages with body language and music and other visual elements, videos transfer far more emotion to your prospects than other content formats. If you know anything about sales psychology, you already understand that people make decisions based on emotion and only then do they rationalise those decisions with logic. It’s like that friend we all have, you know, the one who’s always asking for advice but never really takes it. That’s because they’ve already made an emotional decision and they’re hoping that your advice is going to rationalise that decision. It works exactly the same way in sales. So when is the right time to use this particular advantage? Whenever you need someone to take action. Especially in your sales content, you’ll still need to craft a smart argument to prevent buyer’s remorse, but it’s emotion that packs that really persuasive punch that gets your prospects to convert. Emotion is also the most significant factor determining how frequently your content gets shared and linked from other websites. So if you’re targeting a very competitive keyword on Google or trying to create a viral piece of content, you’ll definitely want to make video a part of your content strategy and for bigger brands, in particular, video can help create your brand identity by associating your business with strong and positive emotions. When you see most TV commercials, that’s all the brand is really looking to achieve. You can do the same thing on the web with better targeting a lower cost per view and a similar path to purchase because people actually click through to your website after seeing the video, which is impossible to do with TV ads.


Video Advantage #3


Video Advantage #1