Brand Films

Want to raise awareness while letting people know what you stand for? Then a brand film might be just the thing you need.

Drone work can lend itself really well to brand videos when the brief is right. Drone footage offers an elevated view that let’s people know your consider the bigger picture. I’ve been a fully qualified and insured drone pilot since 2018. While it is great fun to use a drone, my priorities are safety first then cinematography. The fun is just a bonus.

Business Renaissance: Case Study

In this brand film and event opener, I shot for Business Renaissance, I pitched the visual concept and music track after a few discussions with Sheila and Kelly. They are essentially a coaching duo that knows that business life can move pretty fast and that it’s easy to lose your way but with their help and guidance, clients will find their path to success. They wanted something modern and forward-thinking yet supported by tradition and experience. My idea also had to fit within budgetary and COVID constraints so I offered to shoot something visually stunning which symbolised their offering. We start by seeing the ground whizzing under our feet, as we look up we an endless sea but as we keep forging forward and looking up the horizon and sunrise come into view. Simple yet effective. The planning meant I had to watch for a suitable weather window with just the right amount of cloud while finding a place that would have the sun appearing to rise from the open sea. The shot was quite simple but the planning and editing were everything.


Ravenswood Wedding Video // UK


Live / Virtual Event Coverage