Video Advantage #4

Advantage #4 perceived value.png

Now, the fourth advantage of video is perceived value. To explain, imagine you have two products. One is a video and the other is an ebook. They both say exactly the same thing. Which one are you going to pay more for? The video, obviously, because it has a higher perceived value and that happens to be our fourth advantage. It makes sense. People think videos are more valuable because they’re more entertaining and harder produced than text-based content or even images. But how does this perception of value affect you as a marketeer? You could use video to turbocharge your email list growth by converting your ebook white papers into videos. Videos have a higher perceived value which means you can count on more people opting in which drives down your cost per lead and permanently makes all of your lead generation efforts, more efficient. It’s essentially a force multiplier for your business and because people are more likely to share things that they perceive are higher in value, you can expect your content to get shared more on social media to another situation where perceived value is important, is when your product is higher price than the competition. Prospects are going to associate the quality of your content with the quality of your product or your service. In other words, first impressions, they matter a lot. So when you need to demonstrate a higher value to stand out in your industry, make quality video production a priority.

It doesn’t end there at perceived value. It can also factor into things as simple as getting more emails open, more clicks onto your links, and ultimately more sales. So while video isn’t always the right tool for the job. There are many situations in which videos offer a significant advantage and those are all the opportunities to get higher returns on your investment


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Video Advantage #3